Welcome to our signature coaching program: Career Codes Cracked

This is the exact training Coach Anita uses for our one-on-one clients in the 90-day Career Transformation Experience. Here, you’ll learn actionable solutions and access tools for your career growth. This is a self-guided, Step-by-Step career training program. You get to be your own Coach just with Anita’s voice.


Who Is This For?

Do you want to be your coach and move yourself from a place of confusion to clarity and confidence in your career? Then this is definitely for you!

  • You are unclear about your career path and need clarity
  •  You are frustrated with your current status and need to grow in your career, but not sure where to begin
  • You are looking to change career paths (pivot) and unsure where to start.
  • You want the joy of fulfillment of waking up to a REAL career not just a job
  • You are self-driven and a self-starter who recognizes the need for coaching, accountability and mentoring in their career but cannot afford access to a career coach YET, but you want a structured system that works
  • Newcomers, fresh grads looking to have direction and guidance in job navigationprofessional branding and building strategic networks
  • Youths looking to take a proactive approach to their career
  • You are READY to put in the WORK needed to gain clarity and accelerate your career

This program takes you through a systemic and curriculum based process, to establish a strong foundation to build your career on. It will help you attain clarity on your career vision and goals, develop a roadmap to get there and launch you with a strong and irresistible personal and professional brand. It feels like Coach Anita is truly there hand holding you!

What You’ll Get:

  • 3 Modules of step-by-step curated trainings designed to take you from a place of confusion to clarity and confidence
  • Access to associated worksheets, templates, scripts
  • Specific action-oriented assignments
  • Word-by-word scripts for effective relationship building
  • A highly subsidized access to one of our signature programs. This training covers many aspects of our short courses, and comes with their accompanying worksheets, scripts, assignments, which if purchased individually will rack up the $$$$$ pretty quick. But you get to access all that for a highly subsidized price of $199.99.

How it will Work:

You will cover three main modules with sub-lessons. Each lesson has specific result-oriented action you need to take. This specific training is curriculum based and each module builds on the other. If you require non-curriculum based training to deal with specific issues, or group sessions, please see our other courses. And if you require access to Coach Anita or any of our coaches, kindly go to our coaching page and book your sessions. You complete one module before it opens up access to the next module.