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Are you tired of sending out countless Resumes without getting the result you deserve?

Why Choose "Land a Job in 90 Days"?

Are you ready to accelerate your job search and secure that dream job you deserve? Look no further – welcome to our exclusive game-changing group career coaching program!

Land a job in 90 days the one-1

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Costs $299

  • Expert Guidance
  • Proven Methodology
  • Resume Revamp
  • Interview Mastery
  • And Many More

🚀 Why Choose "Land a Job in 90 Days"?

✅ Expert Guidance: Our seasoned career coaches bring years of industry expertise to the table. Benefit from personalized advice, tailored strategies, and insider tips that give you the edge in a competitive job market.

✅ Proven Methodology: Our structured 90-day program is designed to fast-track your job search success. From resume optimization to interview mastery, we've got every step covered.

✅ Resume Revamp: Unleash the power of an attention-grabbing resume that showcases your value. We'll teach you how to transform your CV into a compelling document that stands out in a competitive job market.

✅ Interview Mastery: Nail every interview with our proven techniques. From common questions to tricky scenarios, we'll equip you with the confidence and skills to impress any hiring manager.

✅ Networking Secrets: Learn how to build a powerful professional network that opens doors to hidden opportunities. Leverage connections and make meaningful industry contacts.

✅ Job Search Optimization: Discover the most effective job search strategies, both online and offline. We'll guide you through the process, ensuring you focus on the right opportunities. There is a hidden job market, we will show you how to navigate that too.

✅ Confidence Boost: Gain the confidence to sell your skills and accomplishments effectively. Overcome job-search anxiety and present your best self to potential employers.

✅ Community Support: Join a dynamic community of like-minded individuals on the same journey. Exchange ideas, share insights, and celebrate victories together. We're stronger as a team!

✅ Customized Action Plans: No cookie-cutter solutions here. We understand that each career journey is unique. Receive personalized action plans that align with your goals and aspirations.

✅ Accountability Partnerships: Stay motivated and accountable with our paired accountability system. Your success is our priority, and we're here to ensure you stay on track throughout the program.

✅ Networking Opportunities: Unlock access to exclusive networking events, connecting you with industry professionals, recruiters, and potential employers.

Land a job in 90 days - Advanced and Fulfilled LLC

🌐 Ready to Transform Your Career?

Book your spot in "Land a Job in 90 Days" now and take the first step towards a brighter professional future! Limited spots are available. Secure your spot NOW

We provide unmatched support:

➖ Intimate Weekly Coaching Calls: You'll get your job search questions answered LIVE so that you can accelerate your job search. You'll leave every call with clarity, personalized support and motivation to move forward faster.
➖ Personalized Review & Feedback: For 90 days inside the program, you can send us your job search questions, resume or any application materials you'd like us to review and our awesome Support Coach will provide guidance and feedback to help you stand out and get hired.
➖ Community of High-Achievers: You'll never be alone. We have high-achievers in our community from a range of industries doing the work to take their careers to the next level just like you.

📧 Have Questions?
Feel free to reach out at Let's embark on this journey together and turn your career aspirations into reality! 🚀

Program Highlights

Weeks 1-4: Self-Discovery and Goal Setting

- Identify your strengths, values, and career goals.
- Craft a compelling personal brand that sets you apart.

Weeks 5-8: Job Search Strategy and Optimization

- Learn proven job search techniques.
- Optimize your resume, LinkedIn profile, and cover letters.

Weeks 9-12: Interview Mastery and Negotiation

- Ace interviews with confidence.
- Master the art of negotiation for the best offer.

🎁 Bonus: Exclusive Resources and Tools

1. Resume Templates
2. Mock Interview Sessions
3. Networking Scripts
4. Negotiation Guides

Costs $299

The Discovery Group Cohort interest form closes soon!

Meet Your Coaches

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of a group coaching program?

The group coaching program is designed to provide a supportive and collaborative environment for individuals to achieve their personal and professional goals. Participants benefit from shared insights, diverse perspectives, and the guidance of a skilled coach.

How is group coaching different from individual coaching?

While individual coaching focuses on personalized attention, group coaching leverages the power of collective wisdom. Participants learn not only from the coach but also from each other's experiences and challenges, fostering a richer learning environment.

What topics are covered in the group coaching sessions?

The program covers a range of topics including goal setting, time management, communication skills, overcoming challenges, and personal development. The specific content is tailored to the needs and goals of the group members. Plus you get the same quality learning for cheaper!

How are the sessions conducted?

Sessions are typically conducted through zoom meetings, allowing participants from different locations to join. The format includes a mix of trainings, discussions, interactive activities, and coaching exercises to ensure an engaging and productive learning experience.

How long does the group coaching program last?

The duration of the program is 90-days, and it is structured to provide ample time for participants to make meaningful progress. Each session is an hour long, so be sure to show up early (at least 5mins before) so you can settle in.

How many participants are in each group?

Yes, confidentiality is a key principle. Participants are encouraged to share their experiences and challenges openly, and the coach ensures a safe and respectful environment where trust is maintained. What is discussed within the group stays within the group.

Can I join the group coaching program if I have specific individual goals?

Group sizes are kept manageable to ensure personalized attention and foster a sense of connection among participants. The ideal size may vary but is generally small enough to allow for meaningful interaction and engagement.

What if I don't get a job in 90 days?

Absolutely! While the program is designed for a group setting, the coach tailors discussions and exercises to address individual goals within the context of the overall group objectives. This dual focus ensures a balance between personal and collective growth.

What if I'm in a [fill in the blank] industry, will this work for me?

While we've seen clients land new roles in 90 days or less, some have been longer. We don't guarantee that you'll land a new position in X amount of days. Some people land a new job a month after the program ends or a few months later. Everyone's journey is different and we totally understand that life happens and can get in the way of your job search. But we do promise that if you do the work, you'll come out of the 90 days with more clarity, confidence, and control over your job search and career and would have drastically increased your chances of success. Regardless, since you have lifetime access to the resources in the program you can return to it whenever you need to, even after the 90 days.

Is the content confidential within the group?

We have worked with clients in a variety of industries (Such as engineering, HR, policy, marketing, PR, finance, law, tech, IT and others) who have landed amazing jobs they love. We have no doubt you will be joining our long list of success story

How can I measure my progress in the group coaching program?

Progress is measured through a combination of self-reflection, goal attainment, and feedback from both the coach and fellow participants. Regular check-ins and assessments help track individual and collective growth throughout the program.

What if I land a job before the program is over?

Then, the program worked! We're all about getting results here at Advanced and Fulfilled. You’ll be applying for dream roles and will possibly be interviewing and negotiating job offers during the program. So, while we can’t guarantee you’ll land a position at a specific time, it’s very possible to land a job in 90 days or less. That’s the goal! If that does happen, you’ll still have lifetime access to the course and the resources to use whenever you’re ready for the next step in your career again.
We've seen multiple clients use the program over the years to land multiple job offers at new companies whenever they needed to do so. That's the beauty of investing in this program. You can use the strategies over and over again to take your career to the next level. Our goal is to empower you with the tools you need to succeed

Program Highlights

Weeks 1-4: Self-Discovery and Goal Setting

- Identify your strengths, values, and career goals.
- Craft a compelling personal brand that sets you apart.

Weeks 5-8: Job Search Strategy and Optimization

- Learn proven job search techniques.
- Optimize your resume, LinkedIn profile, and cover letters.

Weeks 9-12: Interview Mastery and Negotiation

- Ace interviews with confidence.
- Master the art of negotiation for the best offer.

🎁 Bonus: Exclusive Resources and Tools

1. Resume Templates
2. Mock Interview Sessions
3. Networking Scripts
4. Negotiation Guides

Costs $299

Copyright Advanced and Fulfilled LLC 2024

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